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Armenian State University  of  Economics  responded  to Yerevan  Mayor’s call  to clean and  improve the  capital.

Early in the  morning, the University  Administration  headed  by Koryun Atoyan, ASUE  Rector, Deans  of  the  Departments, ASUE employees, lecturers,  students gathered   at  the  University  yard,  received  instructions   according  to certain  sections  of planned area: adjacent  park  of Chess  House  and M.  Nalbandyan   monument, and  began to  work.

In the  interview with ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division   Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, the  Vice-Rector  on  Educational  Matters, mentioned  that citywide  cleanup  wasn’t  only cleaning process,  but  it also has  a great  educational importance. “The  young  generation,  participating  in such  measures, becomes more caring and attentive to their own town, seeks to social activism and participation in public life”.

The students,  lecturers  and  employees  of  the  Department  of  Computer Science and Statistics  in  Zeytun participated  in cleanup   work  at  their building and the surrounding area.

Today’s citywide  cleanup gave  new  shine  and  beauty  to  our capital, ensured our love  towards  our  City  and reminded that we should keep our environment clean and care for it every day and every hour.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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