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Armenian State  University  of  Economics participated in support  initiative  for  Kesab  Armenians. 500 AMD was transferred to  support  bank  account  of  Kesab Armenians on behalf  of  ASUE  students during the  concert  organized at Chamber Music Hall yesterday. The President of ASUE  SC Sevak  Khachatryan informed  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division about  this.

The  concert was organized by the initiative  of  Youth Organization of the Republican Party of Armenia  to  support Kesab Armenians, during  which the students of Yerevan State Conservatory  made  speeches.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  Sevak  Khachatryan mentioned; “First, let me  say  that  our  University  students  and Faculty  staff  always focus attention  on such charitable and humanitarian projects. It’s  already  about more than a decade  that  we organized  visits  to orphanages, nursing homes.  The  students  have  recently  supported  the  help  initiative  for the  actor  Karen Mkrtchyan and now, behold, our compatriots in Kessab.  Frankly, I would like such incidents aren’t occurred, but when there is a need  we  should support our compatriots. Note,  we don’t  highlight the amount of many  but  the  willingness to  help. As a SC  President, I  assure  that we  are  ready  to  help  each Armenian all  over  the  world who  need  our  support”.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  

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