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“Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference, ABSRC 2014 Venice” was  conducted  on March 26-28, 2014  in Venice, Italy,  which  was  attended by 97  representatives from 47 countries. PhD  at  the  Chair  of Management  at ASUE Gayane Tovmayan  presented  our  country  and  acted  with a report  entitled “The main ways of spa-resort tourism development in Armenia”.

In the  interview with ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division Gayane  Tovmasyan said  that her  report greatly interested  everybody  and  a  number  of  questions  were asked  regarding  it.

“I  have  referred  to the  main ways  and  prospects  of spa-resort tourism development in the  RA,  presented 10 picturesque resort areas, the  results  of  conducted  marketing research,  development  SWOT  analysis of  the  area, as well as the  concept  of spa-resort tourism development”; said  Gayane  Tovmasyan.

PhD  also  highlighted  the  participation in an International Conference, as  she  had  presented  Armenia, the  conducted  research, then mentioned  that the  conference  enabled  to exchange ideas  and experience.

“I  am  proud  of  being able  to  present Armenia in  such a prestigious conference and  act on  behalf  of  ASUE. I am glad  that all  participants were  interested  in Armenia: our country's tourism development policy and programs,  as well as our  history, Diaspora  and  the  Armenian Genocide. Using  the  opportunity  I  visited the St. Lazarus Island in Venice  and Mkhitaryan Unity,  dedicated  4 books  authored by  members  of our  family, including my co-author educational  manual entitled “Theory  of  Economics”; said  Gayane  and  added  that  Youth  Foundation of Armenia supported  her participation  within the framework  of “Young Scientists Support Program”,  and  expressed  her  gratitude.

We  wish  our  scholar new  success.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division

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