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A meeting with  students  and Irish International Social-welfare expert Gerry Fitzpatrik  was  conducted today  at ASUE Big Hall. The  latter is  invited to  Armenia by “Pension Reform Action Project”funded byUSAID (Agency for International Development) and  studies  this  field. He  visited Armenian State  University  of  Economics within the mentioned project  and  conducted a  lecture entitled “The Social Security System in Ireland”, introducing international practices in the field of social security by  slide  show.  

In particular, he  introduced the  Irish Social Security  System, spoke  about the recent developments  and reforms, the integrated approach to Irish social services, as well as integrated or comprehensive description of the centers of  social services  in Armenia.

The expert  mentioned that  his  visit  to  ASUE wasn’t accidental, as economists should  be aware  of international practices in the field of social protection in order to apply  it  in their  country  to improve the  mentioned sector.

By  the  way, Gerry Fitzpatrik  has over 27 years’ experience in Social Protection Sector, for  the  last 20 years  he  has  worked  as an international expert in 17 countries, providing  consultancy on  social services system  in the Southern, Eastern and Central Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Asia.

Referring  to Armenia,  the  expert  mentioned  that he concluded  positive  results studying  regional  centers of social  services.

After the lecture the expert answered the students’ questions,  expressed  gratitude for  the  meeting. “This  is  a  nice  opportunity  to  come to ASUE  and to  meet  you”,  he said.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations Division 

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