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Within the  framework  of  “ARARAT” project a three-day-workshop  devoted  to sectoral qualification frameworks (characteristics),  which  launched  yesterday, on March 17, was  conducted  today at  ASUE.  The  Head of ASUE Quality Assurance Division, coordinator  of “ARARAT” project Nerses Gevorgyan,  collaborators  of  the  Division, project stakeholders participated  in the  workshop.

Highlighting the  ongoing reform implementation process  of Armenian higher  education  system the  coordinators  of “ARARAT” project have  invited  an expert  Stephen Adam for  the  mentioned  discussions.

All project  partners with working groups of education, information technology and management fields  participated in the  discussions.

P.S. ASUE is  the  coordinator of “ARARAT” project.

ARARAT is a three-year national project aimed at ameliorating the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers cooperation nexus in Armenia.

For  more  information visit

The  workshop  will  be  summarized tomorrow, on March 19.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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