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The  2nd  year  students  of  Master  Degree Program  of  “Collective Investment Systems Management” specialty met the  Minister  of the  RA Labor  and  Social Affairs Artem Asatryan within the  framework  of the signed memorandum of cooperation  between the  RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs  and  Armenian State  University  of  Economics.

“You are the future of our country. Today  we  are going  through a very  interesting  period  full  of  changes, carry  out  reforms,  which directly  refer  to future of  our  youth,  development of the  country”; mentioned  the  Minister. He  also  said  that he was  glad  for  the 1st  graduates  of  “Collective Investment Systems Management” specialty  and  added; “We  really  need  You, and  I am ready  to  support  You to  work in the  difficult  and responsible  sector, to  make  use  of  Your professional  skills  to build the  future  of  our  country together”.

P.S. Armenian State  University  of  Economics has  signed  an agreement  with  the  RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs  on September 30, 2011. This  is  one  of the agreements  signed  with the  state and private sectors of  employers, in the  result  of  which “Collective Investment Systems Management” specialty is  carried out at  our  University. ASUE  Administration aims to activate University-employer  relation,  to  support the  graduates to  find a  job.

“I  think this initiative is a  good  one to  support  our  graduates  to  find a job, such an opportunity  is  very  important  for  them”; said the  acting  Head of  the  Department of  Finance Zakar Kirakosyan to ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division.

P.S. Photo is  taken  from the  official  website  of  the  RA  Ministry  of  Labor and Social Affairs.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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