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ASUE  Rectorate  Board’s  regular  session  took  place  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall.  The  Deans  of  the Departments  and  the  Head  of  Educational-organizational  Division  Armen  Karakhanyan  reported about  the results of  exams  of  the  1st  semester  of  the  2013-2014 academic year.

two  issues of  the  agenda  referred  to  ASUE  foreign  students. The  coordinator  of  ASUE  foreign  students’  educational-organizational  matters  Mher  Aghalovyan referred  to  the  students’ attendance, accommodation and other organizational issues, and  the  coordinator of  ASUE  foreign  students’  educational-methodological  matters   Vardan  Sargsyan  presented the  regulation  of organizing academic  process and  assessing foreign  students  knowledge.  He  mentioned that  learning  process  of  foreign  students  was  mainly regulated  by  ASUE  regulation,  but   as  there  were  some features, they  suggested  to  adopt  new  regulation  for  foreign  student. After  a  discussion it’s  decided  to present  a  regulation to  ASUE  Scientific  Council.

Current  issues  were  also  discussed.  ASUE  Rector,  Profesor  Koryun Atoyan  congratulated ASUE  Student  Council  for  winning  in the  nomination “The  best  student self-governing body" at “Haykyan” award-giving ceremony and  wished  new  achievements.

 ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division