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30 lawyers of  our  Republic  participated  in Joint  Programme  of the  European  Union  and  the  Council  of  Europe on October,  November, December, 2013  and  on  February, 2014   and  got a  certificate.   Geghetsik Grigoryan,  Associate  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Political Science and Law at  ASUE,  was  among  the  participants.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  she  informed  that  she  participated  in “Strengthening  the  capacity  of  lawyers  and  human rights  defenders  for  domestic  application  of  the  European  Convention  on  Human  Rights (ECHR)  and  of the  Revised  European  Social  Character (RESC)” training of  trainers (TOT)  and in the  result  of  testing  she  got  the  certificate.   A  72-hour-training course was conducted by national and international experts - lawyers.  

Mrs. Grigoryan  highlighted the  participation in  such  programmes   organized  by different  international  organizations.  In her opinion,   every teacher  should contribute to the improvement of the quality of University education by acquiring new knowledge,  new skills.

“I  have  participated  in training  courses  in Hastings and Berkeley Universities, California, the  USA,  State  Universities  in St. Petersburg, Alma Ata, Moscow  and  my observations are the basis to say  that the  law   is   important  for  economists, taking into account the demand for labor.  Knowledge of international arbitration procedures  in case  of  disputes  in  partnership  with  international economic relations, banking organizations  is  very  important”;  said  Geghetsik   Grigoryan,  adding  that she saw economic development  parallel  with  the  Law, in light of the Bologna Declaration.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division