ASUE-ASU Cooperation is being Expanded: Our Lectures at Artsakh University

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Liana Grigoryan, the Chair  of Managerial Accounting and Auditing, Doctor  of Sciences, Associate Professor and Tigran Mnatsakanyan, Assistant Professor  of the  Chair  of  Management, PhD in Economics, held  lectures at the Department of Economics of Artsakh State University from October 31  to November 1.

The visit of ASUE representatives to the University of the Second Armenian Republic was by the educational program of improving qualification of the faculty staff within the cooperation of the two Universities.

Rector  Manush Minasyan hosted our  University  representatives, who  highlighted  the expansion of cooperation between ASU and ASUE, outlining new possibilities.

Liana Grigoryan told  ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that she  had  presented Bachelor’s degree students the basics of managerial accounting and systems, cost behavior and  held  a  lecture on “Issues  of Managerial Accounting” for lecturers  of Artsakh University.

Tigran Mnatsakanyan explained to the students the basics of governance, conducting “Human Resource Management” course for the teaching staff.

ASU official website also  referred  to the  visit  and  the  publication is  available at

Interuniversity cooperation is  being strengthened, the  measures are  ongoing.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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