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The  last  seminar  of  this  year  entitled  “Problems  of  Ecological Security”  was  conducted  at  ASUE  “AMBERD” Research  Center.

Note,  that the  Director  of  the  research  team  is  Suren Gevorgyan, Doctor  in Economics,  Professor, the  members  are  Razmik  Petrosyan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor,  Alisa  Gevorgyan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor, H. Lalayan, a  student  of  Master’s  Degree.

The  research  aims  to  study  the  problems  of  ecological  security in terms  of  modern  conditions  of  economic  development in the  RA, to  develop  appropriate systems,  taking  into  account  the  regional  features  and safe development prospects. 

Razmik  Petrosyan  mentioned  that the topic  was  an interesting  one  and it’s  the  first  time  to  conduct  such research  in Armenia.

In the  Interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division, Samvel  Avetisyan,  the  Director  of  the  Research  Center, summarized a four-month research  work conducted  at  the  Center,  mentioned  that the  results  were  substantial and interesting.

“Seminars  were  conducted  within the  framework of  all 15  directions,  which  enabled to  identify  the  duration of  research process, excepted  results, the  format  of  future work.  The  most  important  is  that the  Directors  of  research  directions, as well  as researchers  oriented  more clearly  in terms  of  the requirements and the problems they faced.  Now  we coordinate  the  reports regarding all  research  and  the  materials  presented  for  the  publication.  Our  main  task  is that the  researchers proposed solutions are applicable in practice.  In this  point  of  view  it  is  important  that they  interest the executive authorities and the business community”; said  Samvel  Avetisyan.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division