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The  1st  year  students  of  Master’s  Degree  of Macroeconomic Analysis Specialization   conducted  an “Open Class”  by  the  initiative  of   the  Chair  of  Macroeconomics  at  ASUE. Students  discussed “Problems  of  Venture  Capital  Formation  and  Circulation in the  RA”.

They  presented the  following  themes  by  slide  show: “The  Role  of  Venture  Capital  Funds in  Creation of  a  National  Innovation System”,  “Venture  Capital”, “The Nature, Role and Significance of Venture Funds”, “Organising the  Activity of Venture  Investors”,  “Experience  of  Venture  Capital  in the  RA”.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division,  Tsovinar  Karapetyan, the conductor  of  the class,  a  lecturer  at  the  same  Chair,  Candidate  in  Economics, Associate  Professor, mentioned  that the  students  were  interested  in  conducting  “Open  Class”,  as  it  ensured them to do  independent work  and to  analyze it.  The  lecturer  also  highlighted the  culture of  developing oral  communication,  ability  to  express and substantiate own  opinion.

The  students  mentioned  that  the  topic  of  the  class  was  interesting  and  needed  to  be  discussed. “I highlight the public discussion of  important  issues  for   economy of  the country  through  “Open  Classes”.  Analyzing  and  discussing  the  international  experience, special methodology  and  mechanisms it can be used for the development of our country”; said  Ani  Hunanyan,  a student.

“The  “Open  Class”  ensures  us to  study important  topics  in details,  to present  own analyzes and  opinions, to  listen  to  the  other’s  opinions  and  to clarify  them”; added  Heghine  Ohanyan.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division