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The  regular scientific  seminar  within  the  framework  of  “Social  Development  and  Labor  Market”  direction  of  “AMBERD”  Research  Center was  conducted  today  at  ASUE  International  Programs  Center,  which  was  attended  by  Samvel  Avetisyan,  the  Director  of  the  Center,  collaborators,  lecturers,  students. 

Here  is  the  staff  of  the research  team: Anahit  Melkumyan (Director), Doctor  in Economics, Professor,  Anna  Aslanyan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor, Harut  Terzyan, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor,  Mery  Badalyan, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor,  Arevik  Hovhannisyan, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor,  Lusine  Karapetyan, a lecturer,  Astghik  Shahbazyan  PhD,  Ani  Vahanyan,  a  student  of  Master’s  Degree.

The  mentioned  research  aims to contribute to solution of  social and labor market problems,  to assist in increasing the effectiveness of policy  carried  out  in these  fields.

Anahit  Melkumyan  presented the current  picture  of  unemployment in  our  country, interesting  causes  of  the  study  regarding  the  topic.

Harutyun  Terzyan  presented the  study  of  unemployment  in the  RA  with the  help  of  econometric models.  Anna  Aslanyan  and  Mery  Badalyan  referred  to  education  problems.

In  the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  Anahit  Melkumyan mentioned: “Our  research is devoted  to  the  problems  of  unemployment and  inequality  of  salary  in the  RA.  We  have  suggested  a  number  of  solutions  based  on  our  study. As  a  Director  of  the  team  I  evaluate our  work  an interesting  and  effective  one,  as  our  suggestions  can  be  used in economic  policy”.

A  discussion  was  held,  a  number  of  questions  were  raised.

Samvel  Avetisyan,  the  Director  of  the  Center,  highlighted the  suggestions,  outlining  that they  should  be  aimed at the solution of current problems.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division