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A  lecture  was  conducted  at  ASUE  Big  Hall today  by  a  lecturer of  Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory.  The  members  of  ASUE, as  well  as   the  pupils  from  high schools  ASUE cooperates  with  participated in  it.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations Division Seda  Sheyranyan, a  lecturer  at  Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory,   said  that “Musical Interlocutor”  cooperated  with  different  music institutions, schools, orphanages, Universities.

“It’s a  great  pleasure  to  cooperate  with  Armenian State  University  of  Economics. Our  main  goal  is to introduce Armenian  and  World culture,  music to  our generation,  as  well  as to  promote  the development of young people's outlook”.

Seda  Sheyranyan  spoke  about  musical genres, world music roots,  history.

Vazgen  Minasyan,  the  Head  of “Musical Interlocutor”,  a  lecturer  at Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory, Professor,  expressed  his gratitude for  the  meeting  and  outlined that the  cooperation  with  the University  was  effective.

Lusine  Karagulyan,  a  lecturer  at  the Chair  of  Foreign  Languages, mentioned;  “We  have  presented  information  about  the  Departments,  staff of  Armenian State  University  of  Economics,  and  after  the  lecture we  took  a  tour round the  Departments,  introducing  the  University  life”.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division