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We  are  glad  to  inform  ASUE  students  who  are  interested  in sport  that  there  are  a  number  of  sport  clubs  at  ASUE,  which  aim  to  make  students’  life  more  interesting, to  contribute   the  students’  healthy  lifestyle.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division  talked   with  the  acting  Head  of  the  Chair  of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense  Simon Hakobyan.  The  latter  mentioned  that the  Chair  started  trainings  in  sport  clubs  along  with  the  start of the new academic year.    There  are  13  sport  clubs  at  our  University: athletics,  ping pong,   basketball (girls, boys),  chess, rhythmic gymnastics,  volleyball (girls, boys),   football (boys, girls),   handball (boys).

“These  clubs  train  the  students  best  of all,  who  succeed in  both  inneruniversity  and  interuniversity  games  and  competitions”;  said  Simon Hakobyan.   By  the  way  S.  Hakobyan informed  that the  Chair  had  opened  a  club  of  rhythmic gymnastics  this  year,  students were  greatly  interested  in  it.

The Chair  has  prepare  a  poster  of  the  best  10  athletes of  ASUE.

The  acting  Head of  the  Chair  said  that  interesting  sport  events were   going  to  be  organized.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division