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“Marketing  Basics” educational  manual  has  been  published  by the  Chair  of  Marketing  at  ASUE,  which  has  been recommended  by  ASUE Scientific  Board’s  decision.  The  authors  of the  manual  are:  the  Head  of  the  Chair,  Doctor  in Economics, Professor  Ararat  Zaqaryan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Shirak  Sahakyan,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Armen Grigoryan,  Candidate  in Economics, Assistant  Professor  Narek  Ghukasyan  and  Assistant  Professor  Lilit  Sahakyan.

“Taking  into  account, that  marketing  basics  is a  university  subject  and  noting  that there wasn’t  any  manual  in  Armenian up to now,  a  working  team  from the  Chair  of  Marketing   enrolled  to do  it.  We  are  glad  to  inform  that  the  manual  is  already available  to the  readers”; said  the  Head  of  the  Chair  of  Marketing  Ararat  Zaqaryan in the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division.

Basic concepts,  development  evolution, basic  problems  of  marketing,  marketing features in different markets, study  issues  of   marketing environment, structure  of  marketing research and market analysis,  organization   issues  of  components  of  marketing  complex, development  problems  of  competitive strategies, modern problems  of  marketing  in  global  economy  and  problems  of   marketing  and  social  interaction   are  introduced  in the  manual.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations Division