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ASUE  Marketing  and  Career  Center   conducted  a  training  seminar   for  the  Heads  of  the  Chairs,  Deans,  students at  ASUE International Programs’ Center   within the  framework of  “ARARAT” project.   The  Vice-Rector  of  ASUE  Educational  and  Methodological  Matters  Paruyr  Qalantaryan  informed  that  the  Heads  of  the  Chairs  should particularly   be interested  in   today’s  discussion,  as  the  main  goal was  essential  between  education-labor  market  relationship:  to  revise  and to modify  curriculums  according to  requirements   of   labor  market.

The  Head  of  ASUE  Career  and  Marketing  Center  Karen Babajanyan  mainly outlined  the  activity  of  their  Center ,  which  will  be  renamed  into a “Center  of  Marketing  and  Labor  Market  Relationship”  soon   and  will  carry out an important function: to  study  and  to understand  the requirements  of  labor  market,   which  will  be   introduce in  education process  and    will  give  an opportunity to  reform  the  curriculum.  Karen  Babajanyan  particularly  stressed  that  an  alumni (Bachelor’s, Master’s  and  PhD) database should  be created,  which   would  be  updated  permanently  and   would  be  used  by  the  employer.  At  the  same  time  he  outlined  that the  University,  following  the  requirements of the labor market,  should preserve its academic  process.  Discussion was  held  on,  the  Heads  of  the  Chairs  acted  with  constructive suggestions.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division