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A  regular  scientific  seminar  took  place  today  at  ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research  Center  within the  framework  of  ”Macroeconomic Analysis, Modeling and Forecasting”  direction. The  Director  of  the  Research  Center  Samvel  Avcetisyan, collaborators  of the  Center,  PhD  students,  lecturers  participated  in it.  The  speaker,  Doctor  in  Economics, Professor  Ashot  Tavadyan  presented  the  research  topic  and  showed  the  results  by  slides.

The  speaker  presented the  internal  models affecting  the  economic  growth,  highlighted  the growth  of  human capital in terms of economic development.

Candidate  in Economics,  Associate  Professor  Haykaz  Hovhannisyan continued  to  present  the  researches.  He  introduced the  analysis  of  the  terms  of  economic  growth  in the RA,  mentioning,  the  researches had  shown   that Armenia's economic growth was consistent with the global trends.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division Professor  Ashot  Tavadyan  mentioned  that their  research  team had  evaluated  the  whole situation and   some  forecasts  had  been  conducted.   

“I wish to outline, that  the forecasts (State  budget, economic  growth, integration  processes)  have probable nature,  which  should  be  taken into account, as  it’s  supposed the  implementation of  certain aspects  and in case  they  aren’t   achieved  the  forecast indicator is adjusted.  We  have  conducted forecasts  in terms  of  impact  of  internal  factors  affecting  economic  growth”,  concluded  Tavadyan.

Discussion was  held  on  around  the  presented  topic.

Samvel  Avetisyan  concluded  the  seminar and  mentioned  that interesting  studies  were  presented, practical  results  of  researches  were  raised.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division