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Topic entitled “The  Quality of  Economic Growth in the  RA”  was  presented today  within the  framework  of  the  3rd intermediate report  of  ASUE Internal Scientific Grants.  The  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan,  the  Director  of  “AMBERD”  Research  Center  Samvel  Avetisyan, the  Head of Science  Division  Khoren  Mkhitaryan,  lecturers,  students  were  present.

Gagik Vardanyan, welcoming  the  participants,  mentioned  that initiation of organizing seminars  regarding  Internal  Scientific  Grants  at  ASUE  succeeded.

“We  found  out  that we have  got  interesting  results  of  researches. The researches  aim to activate scientific  life  of  the  University  and  present  the  best  results to the  political  bodies  of  the  country”;  said the  Vice-Rector.

The  Director  of  the  topic,  the  Head of  the  Chair  of    Theory of Economics,  Doctor  in Economics, Professor  Hovsep  Aghajanyan presented  it,  stressed the  importance  and  modernity  of the  topic   and  introduced  the  researchers: Candidate   in Economics,  Associate  Professor  Tatul  Mkrtchyan,  Candidate  in Economics,  Associate  Professor Arsen  Petrosyan, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Atom Vardanyan, Assistant  Professor Hayk Minasyan.

The  Director  of  the  topic  mentioned  that index  of  economic  growth was  presented in the  result  of  their evaluation  and  added  that the  calculation of the index was  novelty.

Atom Vardanyan  presented the  topic “Qualitative Characteristics of  Economic Growth  in the Context  of  Development”  by  slides.  The  nature  of  the  problem  and  general  framework, main  components  of the  quality  of economic growth, the  quality  of  economic  growth  in the  context  of  development  concept, typical features of the society and the economy as a factor of forecasting the quality of economic growth  were  presented,  criterias  of the  quality  of  economic growth  were  spoken  about.

Discussion  was  held  on  around  the topic, the  participants  asked  questions,  Candidate  in  Philosophy, Associate Professor Yuri  Hovakanyan  observed  the issue in philosophical point of view.

Hovsep  Aghajanyan  told  ASUE Media  and  Public  Relations  Division   that the results  of  research were  extensive,  the  topic  was  going to  be studied. 

Note,  that  a part  of  the  topic  was presented  today, another  part  would  be  presented  soon.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division