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Educational-methodological guide  of  volleyball was  published    by  the  Chair  of  Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense. The  guide  was guaranteed for publication by the Chair  and the  Board  of  the  Department of Marketing  and  Business  Management.

 The author  Simon Hakobyan told  ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division; “The  manual  is  interesting  as it  includes  such  information  about  volleyball,  which hasn’t  been  published  in any  book yet. We have  presented the  origin  of  volleyball, as well  as its  development history in Armenia.  There  is a useful  information  in the book both  for  students  and  coaches,  as  this  sport is depended  on his skills: the  coach  provides  a  part of  the  victory”.

We  congratulate  the  authors  of  the  manual and  wish new  publications.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division