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The 2nd  year  students  of  Master’s  Degree  at the  Department  of  Accounting  and  Audit  acted  within the  framework  of  open class  at  ASUE  Big Hall  today.

The  Head of  the  Chair  of  Financial Accounting  Alvard  Sargsyan  told ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  that it’s  already  second  year  that  they work  with  the  students  with  this  format: we work  individually  with  everybody, the  research  work  is  presented and  discussed.

The  Dean  of  the  Department  of  Accounting  and  Audit  Ashot  Matevosyan  welcomed  the  Chair’s  initiative to  organize  a  lesson with  this  format,  which gives  an opportunity  to do  researches  and  to create new  quality  of  cooperation  between  student  and  lecturer.

Today’s  speakers  were Anush Antonyan, Hayarpi  Soghomonyan, Satenik Karapetyan, Syune  Badalyan.

The  researchers  answered to the  suggested  questions  with  the  framework  of  the  studied  material.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division