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The 1st presentation of  the  3rd  intermediate reports  of ASUE internal scientific  grants   took  place  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall. Inter Chair topic  entitled  “The Priorities for improving the Competitiveness in  Tourism Market”  was  presented (Chairs  of  Management  and Tourism and Crisis Management  headed  by  the  Head  of the  Chair  of  Management,  Academician  Yuri Suvaryan).

The  Vice-Rector  in Science  and  International  Relations, Professor Gagik  Vardanyan draw  the  participants’ attention (students  and  lecturers) on the importance  and  effectiveness   of  the  research  work,  noting  that  a  special  relationship is  formed  between  researcher  lecturers  and  students.  He  called  the  research groups to  work  seriously and  actively  participate  in discussions.

 The  Head of  the  Chair  of  Tourism  and  Crisis  Management Nelli  Shahnazaryan  informed  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division that the  RA tourism infrastructure  had  been  studied   within  the  framework  of  the  researches  of their  working  team,  the competitiveness of infrastructures  was   assessed,  current  problems  were raised, at the  same  time the  directions of  increasing the competitiveness of  the  RA tourism were  studied.

“The  results  of  the  work  is  already  visible, we  have  published  one  article, the  second  one  will  be  presented  for  publication soon, and  the  final  results  will  be  reflected in the  collection”, said Nelli   Shahnazaryan.

The  Assistant  Professors   at  the  Chair  of  Tourism  and  Crisis  Management Hasmik Hambardzumyan  and  Marine Araqelyan presented the results  of  a  three-month-research.

A  discussion was  held  on around the  presented  topic.

The  schedule  of  the  3rd intermediate  reports of  ASUE  internal  scientific  grants is  presented in the  following  link

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division