Appreciating the Path of Honored Lecturers: Honoring Event at the Chair of IER

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Long-term employees of the Chair of International Economic Relations,  the  Chair  founder, PhD in Economics,  Professor Grigor Aghajanyan  and PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Lida Petrosyan  passed to well-deserved retirement. Yesterday, honoring event  was held: senior and junior colleagues
expressed their heart words  to honorable lecturers.

Diana Galoyan, the Chair, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor,  noted that both Grigor Aghajanyan  and Lida Petrosyan are her  first lecturers, they have high professional and human qualities.

Zoya Tadevosyan, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor,  and  Grigor  Nazaryan, Dean of the  Department of  Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations,  PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, appreciated the long-term scientific and pedagogical activity of the lecturers and praised them. Diana Galoyan awarded an appreciation letter to the  honorable lecturers  on behalf of ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan.

Grigor Aghajanyan and Lida  Petrosyan expressed  gratitude for conducting  such a measure for evaluating their gainings and then advised the heirs of the Chair not to stop learning, to try and always think of giving the student maximum knowledge.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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