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Today, on October 2, a scientific seminar was organized within the framework of “Technology development, digital economy” direction at “Amberd” Research Center. The participants of this seminar were the Vice-Rector of ASUE Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan, the head of “Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, lecturers and students.

At the beginning of the seminar Samvel Avetisyan presented the topic, while Gagik Vardanyan underlined the importance and the modernity of it and emphasized that there is a need to overcome so-called “barrier of digital illiteracy” that is essential in order to reach success in other spheres. He also mentioned that a seminar through debate and discussions is preferred.  

During the interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, the head and the key speaker of the scientific seminar Vardan Sargsyan stated: ”There is a number of studies about the development of information technologies in Armenia but our work is exceptional as we’ve  offered a new method of statistical analysis and showed the role of Armenia in the CIS region. In the result of this research we’ve come to the conclusion that Armenia doesn’t have a weak position in the area of IT development among the CIS member states which is quite commendable fact”.

Vardan Sargsyan, Associate Professor Grigor Arkelatyan, ASUE employee Hripsime Osipyan were the reporters of the scientific seminar. The latter emphasized the position and development potential of Armenia in the area of technological development and enrooting of digital economy, presented the preliminary results of studies committed by them.

 The participants gave a number of questions and comments at the end of the scientific seminar. There also was an interesting discussion on the moral-psychological consequences of extensive use of high technologies, the achievements of different states and the influences on economy of the RA. The speakers answered the questions at the end of seminar.



ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division