Language Problems at the Core of the Seminar (updated)

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Today the  Chair  of  Languages held  regular  scientific seminar, during which Associate  Professors Ruzanna Khostikyan, Violeta Karapetyan and lecturer Shoghakat Harutyunyan  presented reports.

Susanna  Chalabyan, the  Chair, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, welcomed  the attendees, introduced  the  topic, then gave  the  floor  to the  reporters.

Ruzanna  Khostikyan reported  on  “Significance of Synonyms in Business English”. Her speech was a broad reference to the meaningful nuances of common synonyms in economic, particularly in business English, their application expediency.

Violeta Karapetyan reported  on “On the Issue of Secondary Sequences in the Sphere of Linguistic Derivation”. By bringing  examples, she showed how the word-formational changes in Russian are being made.

The  seminar  was  summed  up by Shoghakat Harutyunyan’s report on “The Language of Economics and Economics in Language”. The lecturer interpreted the common problems in the language of economics and touched upon the use of unnecessary words.

Susanna  Chalabyan  informed  that the  next  seminar  will be  held tomorrow  and lecturers  of  Armenian language will  present reports. Particularly, Remik Maloyan – “Copyright Neologisms” (H. Shiraz), Zoyan Stepanyan – “Armenian Highland as Motherland of Indo-European Language”,  Hasmik Choklinyan – “Phraseology as a Means of Expression” and Artsvik Suvaryan, PhD in  Philology, Associate Professor – “The usage of Infinitive verb in modern Armenian and German”.


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