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The Dean of  the Department of   Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, Candidate  of Economics, Associate  Professor  Atom Margaryan spent two  month  in German Federation, during  which he  participated  in  “The Economics of Innovative Change”research programme jointly  offered by  the Department  of  Economics  of  Friedrich Schiller University  and Max Planck Institute of Economics, both in Jena, Germany. 40  outstanding scholars of different Universities all  over  the  world: Harvard, Yale, Grifit, Sydney, Munich, Mayn  and Jena, participated  in 7th Jena  summer academy a three-week-programme.

Atom Margaryan said  that the invited  scholars had an opportunity  to  present the  results  of  their researches, to have  presentations, to  establish contacts with the scientific economist theorists,  which  were  full  of  new  and progressive ideas.

“The programme which I  presented  is  closely connected with the University  scientific grant programme’s  scientific-research topic implemented   by my leadership.  And  the  researches,  which  have  been  presented within  the  framework of 7th Jena  summer  academy programme is  being  developed now  and  will  be published  in “Evolutionary Economics” magazine  and other  Economic journals as a  joint scientific-research paper”, said Atom Margaryan  and  added  that  the exchange  of   experience   was  interesting  for  organizing academic process.

Note,  Atom Margaryan  is  a  scholar  of  DAAD: the German Academic Exchange Service  and since  1991  he visits different  Universities  in Germany  by  the  invitation of  his  colleagues (once in three years with three  months  duration), participates in exchanges  of  scientific thought and practice, presents new researches  regarding innovative technology changes  and technological developments.

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