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 Doctor  of Economics, Professor  Samvel  Avetisyan  was appointed  a  Director  of  “Amberd” Research Center  at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics.  He  has  authored more than 100 scientific articles,  4 monographs, 1 manual, held  various  positions both in state governing system and education filed: was  awarded  with “Anania Shirakatsi” medal,  gold  medal of  International Fund  of Fridtjof Nansen, silver  medal  of UN FAO and  gold  medal  for “Agricultural Achievements”.

“It is impossible  imagine  modern University  without research  component, and, in that  case, “Amberd”  is  the  important component of  our University.  Economic researches  should  be directed  toward the most urgent  problems  of  social-economic life in the Republic. They  should  have  not only  economic  but  also practical  nature, hence, as  a  Director  of  the center, it is  my task  to work closely with  the directors  of research   groups: mainly directing the  researches   toward solution of practical problems, moreover, new challenges are emerging, new  situations  are  being  created, which  have  many uncertainties and need a  requirement of research.  First  of  all I  mean to enroll  the  political decision of custom union”, said the Director  of  the Center while speaking  with ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division.

Referring  to  next  steps  Samvel  Avetisyan  mentioned  that  discussions    about  the  duration  issues  of   implementation of  topics, as  well as  seminars on the topics   should  be organized until the  end  of the  year. “Besides, annual report   and  vision of next  year of  the  Research Center  should  be  prepared”, the  Director concluded  his   speech, promising to present the  activity of  the Center  in details soon.

We  congratulate the Director  of  the  Center  and  wish  him  effective work.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division