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Adhering to  his  promise  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan started  the  series  of    meetings  with the first  year  students  of  the  Departments  of  Finance  and  Accounting  and  Audit. The  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Organizational Matters  Mihrdat Harutyunyan, the  Head  of  Student  Council  Sevak  Khachatryan, as  well as  Deans,  representatives of  faculty  staff  participated  in the  meeting as organizers.

The  Rector  referred  to the  issue  of  increasing  tuition fees,   stating  also  that  this  issue  is at the center of media’s  attention.  The  Head  of the  University explained  the  students  how  much  the  budget  of  the  University was  last  year, presented its  components, stressing that  a very small  part  of  the  budget  iwas  directed to  development of  the University, hence, the  increase of  tuition fees  has  its  objective  reasons.

Koryun Atoyan said  that  a  number  of  problems  would  be   solved  by increasing  the  tuition fees (100-150 AMD),  mainly, to encourage a good student but socially vulnerable one, as well as to  direct  a certain amount of  money to  develop  the University: to update  the  material and technical base, to  repair  and  improve the  University,  to  develop  the  research  center, to  strengthen international  relations and  etc.

The  Rector  informs  the  first  year  students  that the  University  operates  a  special  social  package  for the  first  year  students  since  this  academic  year, which is  aimed  not only to  solve  students’ social  problems,  but  also to encourage  good  students,  to  increase the  education quality. 

Koryun Atoyan  stressed  that previously  existing   system of  discounts will  remain,  and  the  presented  system will be  operated  by  the  University,  in the result  of  which  good students (4-, i.e. 70.1 cradits) can  get  a monthly  scholarship  of  5-20 AMD.

If   all  this will  be plus to the  applied  discount, it  turns  out that  the  tuition fee is declined considerably.

Besides, the  problem of  hostel for  the  students  come  from regions will be  solved. The  University  canteen  provides good  food  for  the students  with  lowest price.  Great  part  of  students  spend  their  rest  in “Tntesaget” sport-health resort in Dilijan. It is  a  great  achievement for  the University to  create a research  center,  both  lecturers and  students can  participated  in its  works  and  get  salary.  Koryun Atoyan mentioned  that all  these  projects  will  be  continued  and  demand  financial means. That is  the  reason of  increasing the  tuition fees.

 “Our  income wasn’t added  by increasing the  tuition fees. About 200 places  of  full-time  Bachelor’s  Degree  and  400  ones  of full-time  Master’s  Degree  were reduced  this  year  comparing  with last  one”, announced  the  Rector and added; “All  our  problems, all projects  implemented  in the  University  have  been  discussed  and  will  be  discussed  with  you. So,  you can present  your  offers regarding  current  processes,  implemented  projects  in the  University”.

Then  the  Rector  answered  the  students’  questions,  urged  the  ones  having  social  problems  to  apply to  the  Dean  Offices, as  the  University Administration is  ready  to  care  about  the  students’  problem.  “New  system has  been  invested  and  we  should  implement it  with joint efforts. We  start  new  academic  year  with  new  rules  of  game”, announced  Koryun Atoyan.

The  meetings  with  the  first  year  student will  be  continued.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division