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Gyumri  and  Yeghegnadzor  Branches  also met  the  new  academic  year in festive, colorful atmosphere.

The Director  of  Gyumri  Branch  Samson Davoyan  informed  that  the  students got warm congratulations  and  wishes  from the  Heads, lecturers  of  the  University,  their classmates. The  Director  Samson Davoyan, the  Deputies  of the  Director Andrey  Avetisyan  and  Paruyr  Gomtsyan  wished  the  students effective  study,  interesting  and  meaty student  life,  and  the  freshmen to be  integrated  in new  atmosphere.

The  senior  members  of  Student  Council  welcomed  the  first  year  students  and  presented  a  documentary film  about  the  Branch.

ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch  met  the  new  academic  year  on  September 1. The Branch  met  its  freshmen  and  handed  graduated diplomas  on the same   day. The  Director of  the  Branch Sos  Khachikyan  informed  that 25  students  got  graduation diplomas  and  43  applicants have  entered.  The  representatives  of  Armenian National Student Association were hosted   at ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch.  The  Director  Sos  Khachikyan welcomed the  students,  the  Vice-President of  ANSA Sargis  Asatryants congratulated  the  students.

S. Khachikyan  also  informed  that the  Branch  met  its  students with  beautiful yard,  which  was  repaired  by  support  of the  University  and  local volunteers. The  Director  mentions  that  the  schedules   and  curriculums  are  ready, and  the  lessons will  begin  on September 3.

The  photos  are  from ASUE Gyumri  Branch  and  official  page  of  ANSA   in Facebook.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division