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Dear  first year  student,

we  inform  that,  since  today, you can  apply  to  the  Dean  of  your Department to  get  a room  at  the  hostel of  Armenian State  University  of  Economics. The  Deans  will  introduce  you  the conditions, will  clarify the priorities  of  getting  the room.

As  the  Rector of  the  University  announced  during the  meeting   yesterday  the  hostel had  been  repaired,  furnished  and the  students will get  the  rooms with  incredible affordable prices. This  is one  of  the  points  of  the  social package operated  by  the  University.  The Rector  will  represent you  the  regulation  regarding scholarships,  discounts  since  tomorrow, during  the  meetings  with  the  first  year  students.

 Dear  students,

newly  repaired  and  furnished  University  canteen opens  its  door  in front  of  you  today. So,  the  University  Administration tries  to care  about  your  food,  offering  good  service.



ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division