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The Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan met the University library staff towards the 2013-2014 academic year to discuss issues regarding further improvement of library, increasing the quality of service. Underlining, that the Administration of the University always focuses its attention on development of the University library, Gagik Vardanyan stressed that the replenishment of the library fund, increasing of the quality of service, operation of new resources and effective usage are very important in the context of internationalization and accreditation process. "The book goes on being the important resources and mean to acquire knowledge along with development of electronic libraries, so with the replenishment of library fund, increasing of the quality of service, development of electronic library, we look forward to preserve and develop the culture of reading among the students ", said the Vice-Rector.

He expressed gratitude to the former Director of ASUE library Venera Avalyan for long and effective work and wished her success in academic work. At the same time Gagik Vardanyan introduced the new Director of the library Armine Hovhannisyan, underlining that she's experienced worker of this field, then hoped that the started changes would be preserved and the library will meet the modern requirements.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division