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"Development" inter university conference launched in Aghveran, which is attended by researchers of “Amberd” Research Center, Interuniversity Scientific Grants of Armenian University of Economics, researchers included in budgetary funding themes of State Committee of Science of the RA Ministry of Education and Science.
"Respectable guests, 
I welcome the participants of the conference on this interesting and I think continuous process. Both the Administration and Faculty Staff of the University are interested in developing research direction in the University. In this regard, we can not stay behind international developments", ASUE Rector, Professor, the President of Scientific Advisory Board of "Amberd" Research Center Koryun Atoyan welcomed the participants of the Conference. The Head of the University wished success to the participants, hoping that the steps taken by the University should have positive results in developing research direction. 
The Head of the Chair of Management, Academician at the RA National Academy of Science Yuri Suvaryan also welcomed the conference and noted that our University was the first one of Armenian Universities, which made such investments in developing science, and this is a case to be welcomed.
Referring to the University's internationalization process Yuri Suvaryan mentioned that the present steps taken by our University directed to development of science were highly appreciated.
The Head of the Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities, Professor Miqayel Melqumyan also welcomed the conference announcing that the creation of "Amberd" Research Center at Armenian State University of Economics was a revolutionary step, as it's the first case during the recent years when such investments had been made in research activities. The start was promising, and it is important to have the same results"; mentioned Miqayel Melqumyan.
The first day of a three-day-conference was devoted to the current results of researches implemented on themes of ASUE internal grants within the framework of priorities of the RA Government's projects. The research groups within framework of internal grants acted with reports presenting the works which had been done.
"Research groups acted with reports and presented the intermediate results of the researches on the first day of the conference. A number of reports were notified as they contained deep analysis and valuable conclusions, there are academic component in some reports, however, it is clear that researchers have done steps by presenting suggestions to solve the existing problems", said the Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations, Scientific Head of the Center Gagik Vardanyan while speaking with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division and added that this first experience of awarding internal scientific grants can be defined as a successful one.
"This is the beginning of qualitative changes and I think that we can have the expected results during next few months, which will be a good base for strengthening research activity in the University"; concluded Gagik Vardanyan.
Conceptual approaches of research directions of "Amberd" Research Center will be presented during upcoming two days of the conference.
ASUE Media and Public Relations Division