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“Development”  interuniversity conference  will  take  place  in Aghveran  on July 6-8,  which  will  be  attended  by  researchers  of  “Amberd” Research  Center, Interuniversity  Scientific  Grants  of  Armenian University of  Economics,  researchers  included  in    budgetary funding themes  of  State Committee of Science of  the  RA  Ministry  of  Education and  Science.

 The  Vice-Rector  of  ASUE  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan  informed  ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division  that  seminars,  round  tables  will  be  organized,  reports   will  be presented by   researchers  of  Interuniversity  Scientific  Grants, as  well  as   by  those, who  are  included  in research  works  of  “Amberd”  Research  Center within framework of  interuniversity  conference.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division