185 Applicants Have Been Admitted to Part-time Bachelor's Degrees: the Lists - Online

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Admission process at  Armenian State  University of  Economics was  summed up  by the  one of  part-time  Bachelor’s  degree.

185 applicants have been admitted  and  ASUE Admission Committee has  submitted  the list of  entrants, which is  available HERE.

The  trainings  of  the 1st year  students  will  start on October 30, at 14:05. The bank accounts for  paying tuition fees  are  available at  http://media.asue.am/upload/career/HAYTARARUTYN_USMAN_VARCERI_GANCMAN.pdf.

The schedule  for organizing educational process  of  the  1st  half  for the 2017-2018 academic year is  available at  http://media.asue.am/upload/rectorat/2017/qaxvacq_28.08.2017.pdf.

The  timetables  should  be  available soon.

We  congratulate the freshmen  and wish them successful  learning.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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