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The  university  stage  of ASUE  35th  SSS  entitled  “Problems  of  the  RA  Economic Development”  launched  in  Tsakhkadzor  yesterday,  which  was  attended  by  ASUE  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International Relations  Gagik Vardanyan, representatives  of  Faculty  staff, students.
The  Vice-Rector  Gagik  Vardanyan welcomed  the  participants  of  SSS.  “Scientific-research  works,  which  are  done  during  your  study, are  important  components  of  academic  process. This  is  the  way which  promotes  to  develop  your  creative  thinking  and to acquire  professional  knowledge”,  mentioned  the  Vice-Rector  during  the  opening speech.  The latter  also  said  that  these  students   would   replenish the  University’s  Faculty  staff , becoming  worthy  substitutes  of  their  teachers.
Gagik  Vardanyan  mentioned  that  the  students  who  were  able  to  make  scientific  researches  could  be  included  in ASUE  Research  Center and  made  serious  scientific  researches.  Wishing  success  to  all participants  of  SSS  the  Vice-Rector  hoped  that reports  regarding  modern  issues  of  our  economy  would  be  listened  to,  worthy  suggestions  and  conclusions  would  be  made  during the session.
The  President  of SSS Vladimir  Gevorgyan, congratulating  the  students  on  beginning  of  SSS,  mentioned  that this  a  unique  opportunity  to  organize  and  spend  this  session  in Tsakhkadzor (out  of  the  University).
Then  the  plenary session  launched.
SSS  will  continue  its  works  today  and  will summarise  the  results  tomorrow.
ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division