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Armine  Hakobyan   won the  first  award  of  girls’  jump  contest  in “Day  of  records”  competitions.
P.S. Interuniversity  “Day of  records”  competitions  took  place  on May 16. As  the  acting  Head of  the  Chair  Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense Simon  Hakobyan    has  informed  that  girls  will  compete for  the  first  award  today.
Note,  that the 2nd  friendly  meeting  between  lecturers’  teams  of  ASUE  and  YSLU  took  place  today  and  the  game  was  over  with  0-3  account  in favor  of  YSLU.
ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division