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The  Rector  of  Armenian State  University of Economics, Doctor  of  Economics,  Professor  Koryun Atoyan, the  Vice-Rector  of Science  and  International  Relations Gagik  Vardanyan  hosted Pennsylvania State Senator Mike Brubaker  at  our  University  today,  who  was  accompanied  by   the Manager  of  “Management  Style:  Professional  and  Personal  Relations” project  Arsen  Nikoghosyan.  The  Head of  ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division Gohar  Gevorgyan and  the  Head of  International  Relations  Division  Vard  Ghukasyan also  took   part  in the  meeting  with  the  Senator.
ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan  thanked Mike Brubaker  for  visiting  Armenian State  University of  Economics and presented the  University’s past  way,  present, as well as  future  challenges, underlining  that  the  University of  Economics  had  prepared  a  number  of  graduates, who  were  presented  in different  fields  of  the  country.  “Today  our  University  tries  to  develop  in  all  directions”,  said  the  Head of  the  University, mentioning  the  steps  directed  to the modernization  of  educational programs implemented in the  University,  development of scientific research  activity, internationalization  of the  University, improvement of the  building  and  reformation of several  other  directions.  At  the same  time  the  Rector  was  interested  in  cooperation  with  American Universities: especially  exchange  programs  of  lecturers  and students,  opportunities of  implementing    joint  studies  and researches.
ASUE  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan  presented  the  steps  implemented  by the University  to  make  it  as  a  Scientific Research Center,  stressing  the  innovative step  of  creating  Research    Center  at  the  University, as  well  as  mentioning  the  fields,  which  should   become  a  subject  for  research. “We  have  a good  scientific basis,  which  should  be  developed”,  said  Gagik  Vardanyan, adding that  it  would  be  interesting to  implement  researches  joint  with  American Universities.
Senator Brubaker  expressed gratitude for the warm reception, mentioning that it’s a  great  honor for  him to  be hosted  at  Armenian State  University of  Economics.  He  presented  the  education system at  their  state,  reflecting the  Universities’ activity  and  underlined  that the education field was  at  the  first place in  90 percent of the state budget expenditures .  In response  to ASUE  Rector’s question to  cooperate  with American Universities  the  Senator  assured  that  many  of their Universities  would  like  to cooperate  with  the  University of  Economics, so he would try  to  find out  which of  those Universities  were  interested  in  cooperation with this  Armenian  University.
“Our  nation have  many  values  and  one of  them   is friendship. I  am sure  that our  future  meetings  will  turn into a friendship”,  mentioned  Koryun Atoyan at the  meeting  with  the  Senator.
The  Senator  also  mentioned  that  he  had  already  managed  to admire Armenian  warm hospitality,  about  which  he  would speak  during  the  lecture  which  was  planned  to be  held  on after  the return.
ASUE  Administration  organized  a  tour around  the  University  at  the  end  of  the  meeting, presenting  the  guests  the  University’s  yard and  other  projects being  implemented at  this  moment.
  ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division