A Regular Working Meeting Within the ESPAQ Program

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On October 9-13, ASUE members  -  Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of Quality Assurance Division, Anna Pakhlyan, senior  specialist of the  same Division, Leading specialists Mariam Petrosyan and  Ani Baghdasaryan, Armen Grigoryan, Director  of “AMBERD” Research Center, and  Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Educational Division, attended the working meeting of Tempus program of EU Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian HE (ESPAQ, №544261-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-SMGR) held in Brussels, which hosted the  European  Student Union (ESU, Belgium).

ASUE Quality Assurance Division has  submitted  the information stating  that during the first day of  working meeting the program coordinator - University of Macerata (UNIMC, Italy) summarized the work done  and program achievements.

Then, the responsible partners of working packages presented  the done  work  and  planned  future actions  and  steps.  In particular, the Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland (Sparqs, Scotland) presented the  draft of the student manual on  “Quality Assurance” developed  within the  frames  of the working third package.

Representatives of  European  Student Union (ESU)  and Armenian National Student Association (ANSA)  have  summarized the done work within the  frames  of working fifth package (“Capacity building of student unions to ensure student participation in quality assurance processes”).

Sheffield Hallam University, Romania, presented the  key  issues related to the organization of the final conference of the program and the awareness of outcomes (working  sixth package).

Working eighth package aimed  at ensuring the sustainability of the program outcomes, plans to create a National Center for Students’ Excellence.

Plan of actions, structure  of  National Center for Excellence  and the  developed memorandum were  presented within the  frames of this package in order  to ensure sustainability of the acquired results.

Advisory Board Meeting  and focus-group of students participating in trainings, courses  and exchange visits organized within the frames of the program  were  held during the  second  day  of  meeting within frames of the  working seventh package - “Quality Assurance and Assessment Plan”.

As  a result of focus-group  students  and  University representatives have discussed issues  relating to improvement of educational programs, students’ participation and awareness in quality assurance process  and suggested improvement ways.

P.S. Quality Assurance  Division coordinates ESPAQ at ASUE.

ESPAQis a three-year-project, aimed at engaging the students into processes of quality assurance (QA) of Armenian Universities. More information is  available  espaq.eu.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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