ASUE Representatives Attended the Final Conference of “VERITAS”

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On October 12, the  final conference  of  Tempus program of the EU “VERITAS” (Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles) was  held  at Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, which was attended  by  Karen Grigoryan, coordinator  of  the  mentioned program at ASUE, the Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor  and scientific supervisors of PhD students – Alvard Sargsyan, the  Chair of  Financial Accounting, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Tsovinar Karapetyan, Associate  Professor of the Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, and Ruzanna Hajoyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Marketing, PhD in Economics.

Each University presented its poster introducing  the success and achievements gained within the  framework of the program, including the practice of introducing postgraduate education.  Karen Grigoryan informed  that the new principles of the thesis supervision, as well as the study of the successful practice of supervisor-PhD student were also discussed.

Lilit Arzumanyan, the Chairwoman of the RA  SCC, had a  speech, then the  representative of ANQA referred  to standards and criteria of quality assurance of the RA higher education third degree. ASUE has also participated in the development of these standards.

At the end  of  the  conference the  management team of “VERITAS” awarded certificates  to the most active participants of the program, including Karen Grigoryan.

“Within the framework of the four-year “VERITAS” program at ASUE a package of new postgraduate educational program based on Salzburg principles has been developed with all its components, a number of trainings were conducted for lecturers, scientific supervisors and administrative staff, self-assessment of the educational program was carried out according to quality assurance standards, then  SWOT analysis and external expertise  were  carried  out  by  a  group of international experts.

European four partner Universities: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Bath Spa University, Great Britain, University of Girona, Spain  and Heidelberg University, German,  are  “VERITAS”  members.

Paruir Kalantaryaan, Vice Rector  of Educational-methodological Matters, has greatly supported the program implementation at ASUE”; analyzing the program outcomes, stated  Karen Grigoryan.

During the program period (2013-2017), four informational and training manuals-books were published with the participation of member Universities.

1.A package of educational materials – “Implementation of Salzburg Principles in the Republic of Armenia”,

2. “PhD Education at the European Universities”,

3. “Road-map for PhD Education Development in Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Armenia”,

4. “VERITAS: Achievements”.

The books  are  available at ASUE Library.

Photos  are  submitted by Karen Grigoryan.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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