Two Scientific and Educational Laboratories Presented the Directions of Activity: the First Seminars were Held

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ASUE  new  created  4 scientific and  educational laboratories have  begun to act  actively  since new  academic year.

Today  the  first  seminars  of “Financial Inclusion” and “Monetary Policy and Economic Growth” scientific laboratories were held, and relevant researches topics, as well as  the  main  directions  of activity  and  future  planes were  presented.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of  Science  and International Relations, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Science  and PhD  Division, members  of  Faculty staff, invited  experts – Karine Hambaryan, expert-consultant of “Financial Inclusion” scientific laboratory, Head of Financial Stability Monitoring Department of CBA, and  Anna  Sadoyan, Financial Education Specialist of the  RA CB “Consumer Advocacy and Financial Training Center”, employees and students  interested  in scientific-research activity  attended  the  seminars.

Considering these  seminars as a  new  start  of scientific  and  educational laboratories Gagik Vardanyan highlighted their  effective activity in the context of institutional capacity building of the University, expressing hope  that high scientific outcomes  will  be  provided. The  Vice  Rector  also  stated that  ASUE 27th conference  will be  held soon, in which the  active  participation of the Directors  of laboratories  are expected.

Sergey Sukiasyan, Director  of “Financial Inclusion” scientific and educational  laboratory, Doctor  of Economics, Associate Professor, welcoming the  attendees, highly evaluated the  efforts  of  ASUE Leadership to activate scientific-research  life  at the  University, then stated  that students’ involvement in research activity of  the  laboratories  is  highly encouraged.

The  Director  reported  on “Financial Literacy as a Starting Point for Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth” emphasizing that one of their main goals is to promote  the growth of financial literacy of the society.

Anna  Sadoyan  reported  on “Financial Education”. The CB  representative clarified why financial education is  important, presenting the study carried  out  by  their  center. According to the results, more than 50% of consumers in Armenia are using services casually, that’s, their financial literacy levels are very low. The  reporter  drew  attention  on the  measures  carried  out  by the CB, which  are  aimed  at raising financial literacy, the  targeted  groups  and their main goals, including financial sustainability and financial inclusion.

Ashot Matevosyan, Director  of “Monetary Policy and Economic Growth” scientific and educational  laboratory, Doctor  of Economics, Professor, summed  up the seminar. He  went on presenting Sergey Sukiasyan’s topic discussing interconnection of financial involvement and economic growth in terms  of long term economic growth. The  topic was  presented  via  the  example  of  Nigeria. Then the Professor spoke  about the  cooperation and thematic commonality of the  laboratories  headed  himself  and  Sergey Sukiasyan, as well as interaction  with the CB.  Ashot Matevosyan  summed  up his speech presenting 2 main directions  of activity of “Monetary Policy and Economic Growth” scientific laboratory – “Money and Economic Growth”  and “Circular Macroeconomic Policy, Financial Regulation, Economic Growth”.

The seminar was followed by questions and answers, the attendees made observations.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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