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Boys’  and  girls’  tennis tournament  spent  within framework  of the  RA  Universities’  Student 14th Republican Sport  Games  took  place  on April 6  at “Armenia” sport  company’s gym,  which  was  attended  by boys’ 14  and girls’ 9  teams  from different  Universities.  
ASUE  boys’  team  won the  5th place,  the  team of  Vanadzor  State Pedagogical University won the 1st, the  one  of  Yerevan State University  the  2nd  and  the team of  Artsakh State University  the 3rd  places. The  acting  Head of  the  Chair  of Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense  informed  about  this  and mentioned that  ASUE  girls’  team  had  a  beautiful  game  and  won the  2nd  place: getting  silver  medals.  The winners  of  the  tournament  became  the  team of  Armenian-Russian (Slavonic)  University,  the  one  of  Yerevan State  University  won  the  3rd  place.
ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division congratulates our girls: Shogher  Antonyan, Armine Yaralova  and  Ani  Aturyan.
ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations   Division