The 2017-2018 Academic Year’s First Session of ASUE Scientific Board

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Today, the  first session of ASUE Science Board for the 2017-2018 academic year was held at ASUE Conference Hall headed  by Koryun Atoyan, Rector, Professor, the Board Chairman.

Mihrdaty Harutyunyan, Vice Rector  of Educational-organizational Matters, reported the results  of the 2nd  half of the 2016-2017 academic year.

The  Vice  Rector drew  attention on the shortcomings stressing  that the  students’ attendance, disciplinary issues, modernization of curricula and programs, formation of  Master’s groups  are  among the unresolved issues.  The  Scientific Board evaluated the results and made recommendations to the Rectorate Board, Deans, and Chairs.

Mihrdat Harutyunyan also  reported  on results  of graduation and master thesis defense stressing that the  process has been  carried out according to  the decree of the  Minister of  the  RA Education and Science (N 1197 on October 31, 2011). The Scientific Board appreciated the work done, at the same time revealing existing problems and emphasizing the responsibilities of the responsible persons.

Rector Koryun Atoyan presented the  working plan for the  first  half for the 2017-2018 academic year, which  was  approved.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and International Relations, reported on the contractual (thematic) funding of scientific and technical activities, which was  approved.

Mihrdat Harutyunyan presented the order  of  “Allocating students pension and state  scholarship at ASUE Financial and Economic College”, stating that it’s  studied  by the University Juridical Division and it’s  approved.

Gagik Vardanyan presented the  issue of approving topics  of thesis  and their scientific supervisors. Scientific Board  recommended for publication Sofya Ohanyan’s, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor  of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, educational manual - “Converting Art Cryptography”.

After running out  the  agenda  issues Gagik Vardanyan  announced and  informed  the  Board  members  that the chair scientific seminars had  already  started and  called to attend actively.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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