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Seminar  trainings  started yesterday  at  the  Chair  of  Physical  Training,  Emergency  Situations  and  Civil  Defense  went  on  today.  Note, that  those  trainings  are  held  on by  the  lecturers  of  the  Chair  according to  their  specialization  field.
 Lyudmila  Hovhannisyan  held  on  seminar  training  on “General  development  exercises”  headline.  The  latter spoke  about general  development  exercises,  presented  their  methodoligical  advantages  and  highlighted  their  importance  in harmonious, comprehensive development  of a person.
A  number  of  questions  were  given  to the  speaker  concerning to the  discussed  issues.  New  approaches  and the usage of  innovative methods in  physical  training  courses  were  highlighted.
Practical  part of  the  seminar was  spent  in the  gym.
An Associate  Professor  of  the  Chair Karlen  Sargsyan  will  hold  on a  seminar  training   on  “The origin and development of handball”  headline  tomorrow.
ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division