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Tribute matinee  devoted  to the  60th  anniversary  of   an  Associate  Professor  at the  Chair of  Macroeconomics  Lilya  Kirakosyan  took place  today  at  the Department of  Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations .
“You  are  one of  the  devotees  of  our  University, a  personality  who  does difficult, but  thankful  work  of  bringing up young  generation”;  congratulating  Lilya  Kirakosyan  on the  behalf  of  the  University’s  Management,  collective  said  the  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Organizational  Matters  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan.

“The  life  and   passed  way  of  Lilya  Kirakosyan  are  bright example  and  lesson  for  everybody”,   said  the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Macroeconomics  Ishkhan  Tigranyan.
The  colleagues  Professor  Gevush  Baghdasaryan,  Associate  Professors  Tsovinar  Karapetyan,  Arpenik  Muradyan,  Gayane  Avagyan,  Qnarik  Vardanyan,  Assistant  Melanya  Gharagozyan  congratulated  the  Associate  Professor.
“I  have  passed  a  whole  life  in  this  University.  I was  happy  of  my  friends’  and  students’  success,  I  was  sad when there  were  problems  and difficulties. I  am  grateful  all  of you,  the Rector  Koryun Atoyan,  my  colleagues, students,  for  estimating  me  and  the work  I  do”,  concluding tribute matinee  said the  jubilee.

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division