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The  5th  anniversary  of  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch  was  on December  21  and  ASUE  Rector,  Doctor  of  Economics,  Professor Koryun Atoyan  congratulated  ASUE  Eghegnadzor  branch:

Dear  lecturers  and  students,

I  congratulate  Armenian State  University  of  Economics  Yeghegnadzor  Branch  on the 5th  anniversary  of  foundation.

The  foundation of  the  Branch  was  an  important  step  on the  point of  view  of  implementation of   the  RA  Government’s  program  and  in the context of balanced development  of  regions.  Field  of  Education and  Science is one  of the  priority  directions  with which  our  State  should  develope  its  economic potential  and  should  increase the level of social welfare,  as  well as  should  implement   processes   to overcome  many challenges.  They particularly refer to the problems facing the  RA  regions.

During  the  5th  years’  formation   of  Yeghegnadzor Branch  the  University  has  undergone  important  stages. As  achievements  we  can  mention  auditoriums  equipped  with  modern  educational  technologies,  the  University  has  had  the  first graduates, Master’s  programs  have  been  invested,  Republican  Economic  Conference  has  been  organized.   All  done  works  evidence that  Republican,  Regional   and  Local  authorities  wonder  about  the  problems of  the  Branch  and  support  to  get  good  education.

Dear Colleagues and students, I  congratulate  on this  important  occasion  once  more  and  wish  You  success,  wish the tie  with  new  University  to  be  strong, caring and permanent.

With respect

ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan