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On  December  21, 2007,  according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia  Armenian State  University of  Economics  Yeghegnadzor  Branch  was  founded  in  Vayots  Dzor  Region.

During last years the list of achievements of the Branch was enriched and it continues to register success in preparing economists.

As  we  had  informed,  Republican  Economic  Conference  on “Issues  of  formal development of regional  economy”  topic  devoted  to  the  5th  anniversary  of   the  Branch’s  foundation    took  place  at  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch    on December  2.  The  solemn  part of  the  Conference  started  in  the Administration of Vayots Dzor,  which  was  attended  and  welcomed  by   the  RA Minister of Economy  Tigran  Davtyan,  the  Deputy Minister of Education and Science    Manuk  Mkrtchyan,  the  Governor of Vayots Dzor  Edgar  Ghazaryan.

On December  21   the Branch  celebrated  its 5th anniversary  of  foundation: the  Heads  of  the  Branch  organized  happy festive event  for  the staff  and  students.  It  became  more  interesting  with  cake  contest,  the  students  of  all  courses  took  part  in it.  And  as  in all  festive events  unity and good will  won.

The  Director  of  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  Branch  Sos  Khachikyan informed  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division about this.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division