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The  22nd scientific session  on   "Problems of  Increasing the Competitiveness of the National Economy”  topic   launched at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics today in the  morning,  at 10a.m..  We’ll still present  more  information about the  session, but  now  we  present  ASUE  Rector,  Doctor  of  Economics, Professor  Koryun Atoyan’s  speech  at the   opening   of the  session

         Honorable  Prime Minister,

         Respectable guests, colleagues,

I’m glad to welcome the participants  and  guests  of   ASUE  Scientific Session.

The  Session  will  be  spent  under  the  heading  “ Problems of  Increasing the Competitiveness of the National Economy”.

Scientific  sessions  spent  in the University  is  unique experimental platform  for  discussing   urgent problems  of  Armenia and World economy.

The  representatives  of  the  State Government  Bodies,  political and business sphere,  the  scientific-pedagogical staff  of the  University and , of  course,  our  colleagues  from other  universities are  traditionally  gathered  here.

The  goal of the  University’s Scientific Session  is   the  joint presentation  of  the  results  of  scientific-research  works  done  during  one  year  and  the  indication  of  future researches’ directions.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia  has  adopted a policy of developing  university  science,  which  is  great  responsibility and  honor  for  us.  University scientists, in addition to  their  grateful and honorable mission to prepare   specialists  with  knowledges   according   to time  requirments  and knowing  modern management tools, have  another  important mission, which, I think, is not yet fully realized.  Namely,  to develope  suggestions  concerning  to mechanisms for the implementation of the economic development priorities  announced  by  the  Government of the Republic.

It should be noted, that in this  point of  view  Armenian different  universities, including  Armenian State  University of  Economics,  have  always  acted  with  initiatives.

It is obvious, that  the  processes  taken  place  in  rapidly changing world and  the  recent trends in the global economy  reveal new challenges, which  demand  equivalent  answers.

The  RA  Government  has  set  three  priorities  for  post-crisis period:

 *Increasing the Competitiveness of the Economy  as a  main  condition  of  long-term sustainable growth,

*Development of human capital,

*Development of  institutional capacity.

Responding    to  the  RA  Government  2012-2017  program, as well  as  highlighting  the  participation  of  university science  in implementation of  the  country’s  development  program, a  scientific-research projects’  internal  scientific  grant  contest concerning to  the  mentioned priorities is  announced  in Armenian State  University of  Economics.  19  applications  have  been  presented  with  around 50 million  AMD  total cost.  That  projects  are  in  testing stage  now,  after  which  the  conpetition committee  will make a decision on the allocation of grants.  This  initiative  is  only  one  of  those  events, which  are  provided  to  implement in  the  University  to  increase  the  scientific-research  activity.  It is planned to set up research groups  and to  use  new,  non-standard  approaches  to raise solutions concerning to the problems of the country’s development urgent problems, to increase the  academic  mobility  of    our  scientists.

The  scientists  of  the University  take  part in  international  conferences,  publish  the  results  of  their  researches  in  foreign periodicals  regularly, but   there  are  a  lot of  things  to be  done  concerning  to internationalization of researches.  It is  impossible  to  have  essential  success  without  a close  cooperation with  other  universities.  For  developing  cooperation  forms  and  directions  we  should, certainly,   have  frequent meetings and discussions.  In this  point of  view, this  Scientific Session  is  aimed to  activate  such  discussions.

Respectable  participants, we are expected  to  have discussions  devoted  to the  development of   new  policy,  financial  markets  and  development of  sub structures,  development of  social-economical  priorities, which are  important    for  increasing  the  competitiveness of the country’s economy.

Respectable  colleagues,  the  participation of  the  Prime  Minister  in the  Scientific  Session is  a    great  honor  for  us,  we  thank Honorable  Prime Minister  on behalf of all of us.

I  thank  our  Partner  Universities,  State Government  Bodies,   Central  Bank,  the  Union  of  Manufacturers  and  Businessmen  for  active  participation in the Scientific  Session.

I wish  effective  and  fruitful  work  to all  participants  of the Session.

Thank  you.

With respect

ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan