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Sport-cultural  festival  “Student  Autumn”  will  be  spent  in ASUE  from  the  22nd of October  to  the  30th  of November  by the  initiative  of  ASUE  Student  Council.

“Students’ day  will  be  saturated with   multifaceted, remarkable  and  full of surprises.   The students will  take  part  in  different  cultural and  sport  events,  will  fight for being the  first,  will  find  new  friends and,  the most  important, the   will and spirit  to  win will  wake up  inside of them”, said  Sevak  Khachatryan, the Presidents  of  ASUE  Student  Council  while  speaking  with  ASUE  Media and  Public  Relations  Division  and  presented  those  events,  which  would  be  implemented  in the  framework of  the  festival.  According to  it  the  solemn  opening  ceremony  will  take  place  on October  22  at  ASUE  gym.  The  interdepartment  competition of  volleyball  will  start  on that  day.  Interdepartment  competitions  of  football,  ping-pong  and  chess  will  also  be  spent.  Sevak  Khachatryan  noted  that the  festival days  will  be  marked  with  cultural and intellectual competitions.   Especially,  clubs  of  song,  dance,  paintings, funny and inventive,  interdepartment  contest  of  “What?, When?, Where?”  scholars’ teams  will  be  organized.  Sevak  Khachatryan informed  that the  Department, having  collected  maximum  points,  would  win,  the  name  of  latter  would  be  announced  at the end  of the  festival  during  Gala Concert.  The winners  will  be  awarded  with  diplomas,  medals  and  awards.  The  President  of   the  SC  said  that  “Student  Autumn”  festival  wouldn’t  be  limited  with  the  mentioned  events.  Open  classes,  historical-cultural  campaigns   and  other  remarkable events will  be  organized in the framework  of  the  festival.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division