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An  “Open  class”  took  place  today  in  ASUE  Big  Hall  by the  initiative  of  Educational Scientific Committee    of  ASUE    Student  Council,  which  was  held  by the  representatives  of  BBmedia  brand  company:  Tigran  Sargsyan,  Eduard Qanqaryan, Suren  Babajanyan,  Karen  Babajanyan,  a brand  specialist.

Suren  Babjanyan, addressing the participants, noted  that   all  members of  their  organization   had  excepted  the  offer  to  meet  students readily. He  noted  that  they  were ready  to  tell  the  students  about  the  experience  of  their  organization.  “We  had an   idea to  have  our  own  company   still  during  student  years.  We go  ahead  to  our  goal  like  mads.  Failure after failure.  But  we didn’t abandoned”, said  Karen Babajanyan, a  brand  specialist,  and  added  that  selfeducation,  knowledge acquisition and going steadfastly ahead  to  the  goal      are    the  ways  of  implementing  dreams.

 Tigran  Sargsyan said  that  the  company  has  included  a  number  of  ASUE  students  in their  works, giving  an  opportunity  to  gain  an experience. “Today  you  have  an  opportunity  to  gain experience, use  it  as  much as  you  can”,  said  the  speaker.  Only the people  having  innovative ideas,  creative    thinking, appropriate knowledge  can reach success.

Eduard  Qanqaryan  spoke  about  the  role  and  meaning  of logo  in  the  business  field,  establishment and development of companies.   He  said  that  logo is the face  of  each  organization, bearer of the ideology  and  presents  the organization in the market.  The speaker  told  about the  difficult  creative  way  of  creating  logo, presented  the  logos of    world  known  organizations  and  their  prices.   

The  speakers  answered  to  the  students  different  questions  at the  end. 

ASUE  Media  and  Public Relations  Division