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A  Republican  Economic Conference  devoted to the  5th anniversary  of  the  Branch’s  Foundation  will  be  organized  in  ASUE  Yeghegnadzor  branch  on  December 2, 2012.  The  topic  is “Issues  of  formal development of regional  economy”.

The  articles presented  to  Conference  should  have  the  following  directions:

a)     Regional Economic Development,

b)    Public Administration Efficiency,

c)     Provision of  Economic Stability,

d)    Provision of the  Quality  of Education,

e)     Building  Institutional Capacity,

f)      Provision of the  Quality of  Goods  and  Services,

g)     Problembs  of  Labor Migration,

h)    Development  of  Financial  Institutes,

i)      Use  of  New  Technologies.

 The  works  presented  to the  Conference  will  be  published  in a  separate collection.

You  need  to  send the  works, presented  to  the  Conference,  to  ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch, c. Yeghegnadzor,  Vayk 4, untill  Noyember 20, 2012,e-mail:,  phone: 0281 2 54 10.

Requirements for articles presented  in the conference  are  as  follows:

*Armenian GHEA Mariam  or  GHEA Grapalat,  Russian and  English  Times New Roman  fonts  (font size  12, line distance 1.5cm, left 3cm,  right 1.5cm, top 2cm,  down 2cm,  links  in the text, title  of the  article  caps  lock, font  size 14).

*To  print  the  title  of  article in the  center  of  line,  after  which 2  lines  down  write   the  surname and name,  scientific degree and title of  the  author, on the  next   line  the  name  of the  organization,  and  2  lines down  the  text with 1 cm depth  paragraph.

*To separate keywords, Armenian,  English and Russian summarizes  in the end.

*The  text  shouldn’t  exceed 6 pages.

*The  scientific  article  should  be  guaranteed  by  relevant academic department  of  publication.

*Contain  exhaustive  information  about  the  author (surname, name, scientific degree and title,  e-mail,  phone numbers).

Sos  Khachikyan, the  Director  of  ASUE  Yeghegnafzor  Branch,  informs  about  this.

 ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division