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In  order to  strengthen  University-student-employer   cooperation  the  representatives of  the  RA  CB   met  ASUE students in ASUE big  Hall today   by the  initiative  of  ASUE  and  the  RA  Central  Bank.

“You  know, that our  University  has  signed  a  number  of  agreements  with  state  and  private organizations  of  Armenia.
More important for us is  to cooperate with such organization as the Central Bank, one  of the  most established and influential organization inArmenia.  Our  cooperation with  the  Central Bank  isn’t  new,  but  we  want  it   to  distend and include new formats”, said  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan, opening the meeting  and  presented the guests: Nerses  Eritsyan,  the  Deputy  of  the  Central  Bank  President,  Armenak  Darbinyan, the  member  of  the CB  Council, Gayane Khachatryan, the  Head of Personnel Management    Department,  Armine   Tovmasyan, the  Deputy of  the  Head of   Personnel Management  Department,  Ashot  Petrosyan, the  Head of Development of Economic Statistics  Division,  Hayk  Avetisyan,  a  Macroeconomist of  Modeling of Monetary Policy   Department  and  Forecastings  Division.

Nerses  Eritsyan,  the  Deputy  of  the  Central  Bank  President, giving  importance  to  such meetings, thanked  ASUE  Rector for  giving an  opportunity  to  meet  the  students. He  said  that  the  Central  Bank was  always  interested  in detection of  finding  young  researchers  having an analytical mind.   For this purpose,  it  is  already  7 years that  the  CB  has announced  a  scholorship  contest  after Isahak Isahakyan  and  has  awarded the  winners  with  scholorship. “ It is  already 2-3 years  that  the  participation of the  students  has  reduced”, said  the  Deputy  of the Central  Bank  President: hoping   that  the  students  would be  aware  of a  number  of  issues  concerning  the  contest  of  scholorship  after  Isahak Isakhakyan  during this  meeting   and  would  participate  more  actively.  Gayane Khachatryan, the  Head of Personnel Management    Department,  presented  the  demands  of  the  contest  of  scholorship  after  Isahak Isakhakyan  by  the  CB  and  presented  the  form of  writting  analytical research  work, as well as  the  ways  of  getting  work  in  the  Central  Bank.  The  Head of Personnel Management    Department  informed  that  Isahaka  Isahakyan was  the  President  of the  RA CB: now  he  works  as a adviser  and  always  helps  by  his  valuable advice and  supports  the  workers  of the  CB.

Dear  students,  the  announcment  of the  scholorship  after  Isahak Isakhakyan was  published  in our  websiteհհ-կենտրոնական-բանկը-հայտարարում-է-մրցույթ-իսահակ-իսահակյանի-անվան-կրթաթոշակ-նշանակելու-համար-498.

Hayk  Avetisyan,  a  Macroeconomist of  Modeling of Monetary Policy Department  and  Forecastings  Division, presented  a  report with  a  title “Early signaling  systems  of   currency crisis forecasting  in the  RA”  as  the  best  example  of  scientific-research work.

Ashot  Petrosyan, the  Head of Development of Economic Statistics  Division, informed  the  students  that the  CB  implemented  a  project “Micro database queries”, the  aim of  which  was  to  get  an information  by  alternative method.  He  siad that  the  graduates  of the  University  could be  included  in this  works  as  interviewers,  who  would  visit  business  unites  of the  regions, household and agricultural farms and  would collect  information.  Ashot  Petrosyan  presented  the demands  to the interviewers  and  amount of remuneration. For more  information  visitվ։